Watertight’s Service Delivery within Sydney Waters Network

Sydney Water’s network consists of approximately twenty-six thousand kilometres of waste water pipe, twenty-three thousand kilometres of water pipe, reservoirs, treatment plants and pumping stations amongst other facilities and infrastructure. This network is utilised to assist the Sydney populous to meet their potable water and drainage needs as per the Sydney Water Act 1994. In order to service the growing Sydney population Sydney Water has assigned roles both internally and externally to maintain, renew and develop its network. These external roles are outsourced to private companies referred to as ‘Providers’ whose roles are categorised into designers & water service coordinators, constructors, service protection reports, drillers and field testers. Watertight is one of such accredited companies that work on behalf of Sydney Water to renew, maintain and develop its network being an accredited constructor.
For more information on Sydney Water’s network and Sydney Water’s providers please visit their website www.sydneywater.com.au or visit our website www.watertight.com.au for more information on our Sydney Water services and how we can assist you with your new or existing development.
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