Developing your property, don’t forget about you water service requirements

If you’re thinking about developing your property with a knock down rebuild or perhaps sub-dividing? You need to apply for a Section 73 Compliance Certificate before you start building on your land.

As part of your council’s development application process, you’ll need to ensure you have adequate access to Sydney Water services. Once you water servicing requirements are met you’ll be issued  with a section 73 Compliance Certificate. You need to think about your development’s water, wastewater and storm water needs as you may need to build or construct something to meet Sydney Waters’ servicing requirements. Once you engage a Water Service coordinator they can design up a plan that meets Sydney Waters requirements and then you can get in touch with Watertight or any other provider to facilitate the minor works:

Section 73 requirements

Section 73 applications are required by all developers who have obtained a Council Development Consent. These consents include, Boundary adjustments, Strata Title, Dual Occupancy, Community Title & Torrens Title Subdivisions. Applications are also required for industrial and Commercial developments.

Section 73 applications are required by Sydney Water to determine if the proposed development will meet Sydney Water servicing requirements. These services include Water/Recycled Water & Sewer. If Sydney Water feels that adequate services are not provided, Sydney Water will request the developer to extend the services to a suitable location. This will be determined by Sydney Water and your designer.

Here are 10 steps to guide you through the process of a Section 73  once you have engaged a water services coordinator:

  1. Quotation issued by your water services coordinator
  2. You the client accept and pay invoice to you water service coordinator
  3. Design concept prepared and issued to client for approval
  4. Design completed and double checked by your WSC  (water services coordinator)
  5. Construction quotations requested from Watertight Group,Water tight Group appointed and construction commences
  6. Construction process including liaison with Sydney Water, Watertight and your WSC
  7. Watertight to provide a Work-as-Constructed information to your WSC
  8. Property connection point submission to Sydney Water
  9. Any outstanding issues to be address
  10. Sydney Water to issue your Section 73 Certificate

Sydney Water generally take 6 weeks to process and determine the requirements of Section 73 applications.

“As a business owner, I’m time poor, and Watertight was great in following me up to ensure my Zip filter was changed. Thank you Watertight.”

Debb, Northern Beaches, Sydney

Canterbury Bankstown Business Chamber Corporate Member

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